We have all been guilty of sitting for too long looking at our various screens. This can lead to tightness in your shoulders, spine and neck. This series of yoga stretches is particularly good to relieve that built up tension and tightness. It also really helps you relax and unwind. Specific instructions are set out below. The key thing is to take your time and breathe into the stretches.
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Cat and Cow
Start on all fours in table top position. As you inhale, arch your spine up. Lift the crown of your head and your tailbone. As you exhale, round your spine, lengthen tailbone down towards the mat. Link your breathe and movement.
Repeat x 5
Tabletop Twist
Start on all fours in table top position. As you inhale, lift your right arm out to the side, keep inhaling and reach your right fingertips up to the sky. Send your gaze to your right fingertips. Exhale and reground your right palm. Repeat on the left.
Repeat x 5
Thread the Needle with Variation
Start on all fours in table top position. Walk your right palm slightly forward. As you inhale, reach your left arm out to the side. As you exhale, thread your left arm under your right. Melt your left temple and shoulder onto the mat. Walk your right palm further forwards. Stay and breathe for a few breathes before repeating on the left side.
Option to add in a variation by wrapping your right arm behind your waist in a half bind. Right hand can find left inner thigh. Send your right shoulder back and keep your chest open.
Extended Puppy Pose with Variation
Start on all fours in table top position. Walk both palms forward to the top of your mat. As you inhale, lift your gaze forwards, feel a gentle stretch in your spine. As you exhale, melt your forehead and chest towards the mat. Ground your forehead on the mat. Stay and breathe for a few breathes.
Option to add in a variation by lifting your forearms up, interlacing fingers and reaching your thumbs to the back of your neck. In this variation, you should feel the stretch more in the back of your upper arms.
Extended Child's Pose
Start on all fours in table top position. Take and inhale here. As you exhale, send your hips back towards your heels. Melt your forehead onto the mat. Find length in your spine and relax your shoulders down. Stay and breathe for a few breathes.
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