Lower back feeling achy?
Lower back pain is a common discomfort experienced by us. These are six yoga poses that are great for bringing some relieve.
Start seated on your mat in a cross legged position. Take an inhale. As you exhale, twist to right. Your left hand is gently on your right knee while your right hand is on the mat behind you. Try not to put too much weight in your supporting hand at the back. Root down through your sitting bones and lengthen your spine upwards. Stay for 2-3 breaths. On your next inhale, untwist and come back to center. Repeat on your other side.
Start seated on your mat. Root down through your sit bones. Lengthen your spine and neck. Relax through your shoulders. Take and inhale and raise both your arms above your head. As you exhale, ground your right palm and stretch your left arm over to the right. Stay for 2-3 breaths. On your next exhale, release and come back to center. Repeat on your other side.
Begin in a seated position on your mat. Bring the outer edges of the soles of your feet together. Heels can be close to your body. If you are feeling very tight in the inner legs and hips, you can have your heels further away. Take and inhale and lengthen your spine. As you exhale, hinge from your hip creases and stretch forward. Release and ground forearms and hands on the mat. You should feel a nice stretch in your lower back and also a nice opening of your hips. Stay for 2-3 breaths.
This is a dynamic child's pose. The movement is great for the spine and hips. You will need to start in a tabletop position for this. Take an inhale. As you exhale, send your hips to your heels, ground your forehead on the mat and stretch your arms out. Repeat this movement 3-5 times. Feel fee to stay in your last child's pose for 2-3 breaths.
*Watch this movement in action in my video - Yoga Sequence for Lower Back Pain
Start by lying on your mat. Bring the soles of your feet to the mat. With an inhale, raise and straighten your right leg. Bring your right ankle to your left knee. Reach through and hold the back of your left thigh, Exhale and draw your left thigh towards your chest. Release your lower back on to your mat. Stay for 2-3 breaths before switching sides.
Start by lying on your mat, soles of your feet on your mat. Inhale and hug your knees into your chest. Release lower back on your mat. Feel free to rock gently from side to side. Stay for 2-3 breaths.
Feel free to practice these poses in a sequence or singularly.
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